Debt Collection Software
AAS Stellingbouw and Global Collection
16 februari 2023 

AAS Stellingbouw and Global Collection

3.184 / 5.000

AAS Stellingbouw and Global Collection 

Best of Both Worlds from the solo album Double Fun is a song by British singer Robert Palmer from 1978. For AAS Stellingbouw it is more than double fun. Algemene Antwerpse Stellingbouw, in short AAS Stellingbouw, specializes in the installation of scaffolding and stair towers and also offers construction lifts to ensure the safe transport of goods. 

According to Danny Clissen and Johan Versweyvelt of AAS Stellingbouw, they ran into the problem that invoices were paid too late, mainly due to a lack of consistent follow-up on their invoices. AAS Stellingbouw is active in renting out scaffolding to contractors and wants to detect bad payers more quickly in order to stop renting out additional material to the same contractor and thus also be able to forward doubtful debtors more quickly to their collection partner. 

AAS Stellingbouw started with DunningOnline from CollectOnline in March 2022 and has now automated the entire debtor process. Their invoices are now being paid 30% faster than before, a significant gain in liquidity and solvency. AAS Stellingbouw was also looking for a reliable collection partner for bad debts. They have found the collection agency Global Collection within the large customer network of CollectOnline. The biggest advantage is that the entire credit management process is now always transparent from the outstanding invoice to its payment, because the software products of CollectOnline are seamlessly integrated with each other. 

The company Global Collection at Hamme provides services within all facets of credit management, such as debtor management, amicable collection and legal support. 

Samuel Westerlinck of Global Collection automates all his services with CollectOnline software. According to him, the reason why he chose RecoverOnline from CollectOnline is very simple: “CollectOnline offers the entire spectrum with one software solution, from creating an invoice to paying it”. In addition to collection management for their customers, Global Collection also offers the option of carrying out debtor management for their customers in the look and feel of the customer. If a payment is not forthcoming, they convert the entire case into a collection case at the touch of a button and the correct workflow is automatically started with the correct cost calculation. This not only saves them costs, but also a better customer experience because their customers always have access to the status of the invoices throughout the entire process. By using CollectOnline, Global Collection has managed to achieve a success rate of 99.2% of all processed invoices. 

Samual Westerlinck - “CollectOnline is built in such a way that we, as a collection agency, can focus on our core tasks, while the administrative processing is completely taken over by the CollectOnline software”. 

Best of Both Worlds: “Companies can turn to CollectOnline for the entire credit management process, their expertise and access to an extensive network for outsourcing and service provision”.

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